ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services
- Base image
Build devops/zookeeper
# change path
cd devops/zookeeper
# build image
docker build -t devops/zookeeper:latest .
# build image with specific version - see Dockerfile for version 3.5.x
docker build -t devops/zookeeper:3.4.10 --build-arg VERSION=3.4.10 .
# temporary container [host:container]
docker run --rm --name zookeeper -p 12181:2181 devops/zookeeper
# access container
docker exec -it zookeeper bash
# paths
# logs
tail -F /var/log/supervisord.log
# check service status
supervisorctl status
supervisorctl restart zookeeper
docker exec -it zookeeper bash
# (option 1) check zookeeper status
echo ruok | nc localhost 2181
# (option 2) check zookeeper status
telnet localhost 2181
# expect answer imok
> ruok
zkCli.sh -server
# list znodes
ls /
# create znode and associate value
create /zk_test my_data
# verify data
get /zk_test
# change value
set /zk_test junk
# delete znode
delete /zk_test
The four-letter words
Category | Command | Description |
Server status | ruok | Prints imok if the server is running and not in an error state |
conf | Prints the server configuration (from zoo.cfg) | |
envi | Prints the server environment, including ZooKeeper version, Java version, and other system properties | |
srvr | Prints server statistics, including latency statistics, the number of znodes, and the server mode (standalone, leader, or follower) | |
stat | Prints server statistics and connected clients | |
srst | Resets server statistics | |
isro | Shows whether the server is in read-only ( ro ) mode (due to a network partition) or read/write mode (rw) | |
Client connections | dump | Lists all the sessions and ephemeral znodes for the ensemble. You must connect to the leader (see srvr) for this command |
cons | Lists connection statistics for all the server's clients | |
crst | Resets connection statistics | |
Watches | wchs | Lists summary information for the server's watches |
wchc | Lists all the server's watches by connection, may impact server performance for a large number of watches | |
wchp | Lists all the server’s watches by znode path, may impact server performance for a large number of watches | |
Monitoring | mntr | Lists server statistics in Java properties format, suitable as a source for monitoring systems such as Ganglia and Nagios |